Raising funds by issuing securities

Don’t just rely on banks – you can also raise funds for your growth by issuing bonds or going public
On its development path, a company needs different sources of funding, tailored to its current financial landscape and long-term strategy. Investment banks and brokerage companies are therefore some of the main partners helping the fast-growing, promising enterprises meet their financing needs. 
  • Review of different sources of funding
  • Raising funds for the company by issuing a bond
  • Going public
  • Crowdfunding entrepreneurial projects

More about the workshop:

Companies frequently depend solely on bank financing, a practice that is unsustainable and can pose risks to both the specific business and the broader economy.

It has long been proven that capital increase, in the form of the issuance of new shares or stock or borrowing through the issuance of bonds, makes it easier for the company to raise the necessary funds that are more sustainable in the long term than conventional borrowing. It can also help a company raise millions in funds for its operations and growth.

  • Focusing on your specific business case


Detailed event agenda
In the course, we’ll share specific instances of challenges businesses encountered and how the challenges were addressed using sophisticated corporate and business finance techniques. You will learn how capital market, investment, legal and business experts are approaching modern-day challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • 1. Raising funds by issuing bonds or commercial papers

    Debt financing instruments
    Differences between bank funding and issuing securities
    Issuing process
    Necessary documentation and costs
    Practical example

  • 2. Raising funds through an initial public offering (IPO)

    • IPO – the difference between a public and a private company
    • Process and costs
    • Investors involved in the process
    • Documentation and costs
  • 3. Launching an international crowdfunding campaign

    • Difference between crowdfunding and issuing securities
    • Legislation in this domain
    • Elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign
    • Documentation and costs
    • Practical example
  • 4. Other sources of funding

    • Venture capital
    • Tokenization

Who is the course intended for?

The course is aimed at business owners and managers who want to grow their business and are looking for sources of funding other than the traditional bank loans. The lecture is primarily aimed at:

  • Lastnikom malih in srednjih podjetij
  • Direktorjem malih in srednjih podjetij
  • Lastnikom in direktorjem v hitrorastočih podjetjih
  • Vodjem financ v malih in srednjih podjetjih
  • Vsem, ki želijo poglobiti svoje poznavanje tega področja

Courses take place periodically in the form group and “in-company” sessions. The course takes place in English.

Registration fee and instructions

Submit your enquiry through the form below and we’ll arrange a course at your company or on our own premises.

The course takes place over one day and materials are included in the price.